
Let's go!

Scroll down to get started

1. Sign up

Create a personal workrest account via the app or your browser in seconds.

2. Invite your crew

Invite crew directly from your app.

Learn more

3. You're ready to go

Start logging hours, approve leave requests or schedule hours for your crew

Step 1

Sign up

Create your workrest account via
Step 2

Invite crew

Invite crew to join workrest directly through your account.
Step 3

You're all set

Start managing your crew on a whole
new level

Get started with workrest


Sign up

Create an account via the app or via your browser in seconds.

Sign up demo video


Invite your crew

Invite crew directly from the app.

Invite crew demo video


You're ready to go

Start logging hours, approve leave requests or schedule hour's for the month ahead.

workrest demo video